Get a fresh up close and personal look at the Steam Deck with Hellish Quart by Liam DaweLiam Dawe (
Want a really close view on the Steam Deck in action? Hellish Quart developer Kubold recently had a Steam Deck devkit delivered so they took a video. Can't say I had heard of Hellish Quart until seeing the video either. It's a physics based, realistic, 3D sword duelling game set in the 17th century ...

Oh wow. Why didn’t my bubble tell me about before?

That’s freakin awesome – for a game!

Do What You Can: Liechtenauer’s First Lesson by libertyswordclub (
|Haw drein vnd hurrt [3v] dar  |Rausch hin trif oder la farñ When I started this journey of working my way through the Zettel, I expected that I’d have quite a bit to think about with each line and with each verse. What I didn’t expect however, was the impact that each line would have. I exp...

It was way to warm today so I hid in the basement for most of the day getting some stuff done. Mostly cleaning up. The place was a mess.

While doing so I cleaned all my swords that were cluttered all over the place 🤓 Other gear was also in dire need of training. My fencing vest was probably occupied by a cat for a long time and used as a nest. Tried it on after months and all the training pays off. It fits again – breathing included 🤺

Fitting in my fencing vest again – feels good

While clearing my workbench I found a cable drum waiting for a new plug. Later I found replacement plugs so I got that finally fixed too 😀

Good as new plug for the cable drum

I also found this little treasure of 19 FFP2 masks filled in 2009. Lucky me, eh? Feeling very rich now 😀

Box of old but good FFP2 masks

Kids were also around most of the time and had a lot of fun with various training tools. Don’t get it wrong, we’re not particular athletic here. Stuff just piles up.

Busy day.

TIL: Wales is so very backwater that they don’t seem to know about (or or or Boffer Wars or…). Some dude wearing obvious fantasy gear and a clear as daylight _FOAM_ stick gets jumped at gunpoint by police:

Hint: It’s not even a “fake sword” or a trainer (waster). It’s a _toy_.

I can relate btw. We did “train” with our toys in the park a decade ago already and police was curious but polite.

Later even with blunt steel.

They never jumped us at gunpoint.

The refurbished pell compared to the old beam. Cat included.

Some weeks ago I managed to kill my old for good. I never expected it to hold that long at all when I built it back in 2016. To be fair I slacked off a lot over the last year but thanks to recent events forcing everyone to stay at home I stepped up my again.

Don’t train alone, it only embeds your errors.

Vesimir, The Witcher 3

Well, Vesimir is right, but that choice do we have? So I spent the late afternoon refurbishing my fallen .

Preparing new struts. Two old struts were gone. No idea where.

Luckily there was another beam, that was part of the kitchen wall some years ago (#hausbauquatsch), with the same dimensions. I could even re-use most of the old post.

Some of the old screws were broken and I had to persuade the leftovers with a crowbar (I probably learned this in Half-Life ;))

180mm screws again

And that’s it this time. I never came back to adding any sort of dampening mats. Some use carpet or rope. I’ve even seen tires used for this. Somehow I became very fond of flying splinters all over the place though. It’s a very satisfying feeling and I even made a video about this some years ago.